Personalization Policy

By submitting or uploading a photo and/or text (including quotes) to Instantly Unique, LLC, you agree to the following terms:

Design Proofs:

  • Approval Required: If you are sent a mock-up or design proof, you must approve it via email or live chat before your order is made.
  • 24-Hour Response: If you do not reply within 24 hours, we will complete your order to the best of our ability using our artistic discretion.
  • 48-Hour Response for Further Information: If your order requires further information and you do not respond to our correspondence within 48 hours, your order may be subject to cancellation.

Artwork & Intellectual Property:

  • Prohibited Use: The unauthorized use, copying, or distribution of any protected copyright, trademark, service mark, trade name, logo, design, portrait, graphic, artwork, photograph, or any other intellectual property (collectively "Intellectual Property") is prohibited.
  • Ownership Warranty: By providing Intellectual Property to Instantly Unique, LLC, you warrant and represent that you are the sole legal owner or licensee of all rights to the Intellectual Property, and that it is free and clear of infringement or any legal restriction.
  • Liability Disclaimer: Instantly Unique, LLC accepts no liability for any unauthorized use, copying, or distribution of any Intellectual Property. We rely on your representations that you have legal rights to the submitted content.
  • Indemnification: By providing Intellectual Property, you agree to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify Instantly Unique, LLC against any claims or lawsuits alleging infringement or misuse of the Intellectual Property. You will cover all damages and costs, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by Instantly Unique, LLC.
  • Right to Refuse: Instantly Unique, LLC reserves the right to refuse to print any design deemed, in our sole determination, to be in poor taste or offensive.
  • Originality Agreement: You agree that the images and/or text you submit to Instantly Unique, LLC are your original works and, to the best of your knowledge, are not copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise restricted.

Cancellation Policy:

  • Documentation Requirement: Instantly Unique, LLC reserves the right to ask for documentation for any suspected copyrighted works. Your order may be subject to cancellation if the required information is not provided.

By adhering to these guidelines, we ensure that your personalized items are created with care and respect for all intellectual property rights.